At iMediate Dispute Resolution, we are committed to your success.

Honest and clear communication is integral to on-going commercial relationships and mediation will assist to settle the dispute in a timely and cost effective manner.
The advantages to mediation are many:
Mediation is Private- Mediators' notes are confidential and cannot be subpoenaed, and importantly, you, your family, staff and other stakeholders, are protected from adverse publicity. Court, on the other hand is a lengthy, stressful, expensive and risky process.
Confidentiality- New information gleaned through mediation cannot be used in any subsequent court process. Confidentiality is built into the Agreement to Mediate and all notes - the mediators', parties' (and legal advisors if applicable) are destroyed at the end of the mediation. Mediators cannot be subpoenaed to court.
Retain the Business - with agreements that work. Commercial Mediation is non-adversarial. Benefits to commercial mediation include the ability for parties to repair and sometimes enhance their business relationship. They can get back to business much more quickly and easily than if they battled it out in court.
Save Time and Money- Non-productive time is reduced and managerial time can be used once again to drive and manage the business.
Similarly, recent amendments to the Civil Procedures Act in March 2011, parties are compelled to make reasonable efforts to resolve their dispute prior to litigation. Those who do not may have costs orders made against them.
Our Nationally Accredited Mediators know that court proceedings can be costly and time-consuming and are committed to facilitating effective dispute resolution achieving settlement.